Subject: Re: tcl-mysql does not compile.
To: Parand T. Darugar <>
From: Ben Bogart <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/27/2000 00:43:53
I swicthed to gmake and things went better, but not much. After running
gmake (using the freeBSD Makefile LD_FLAGS) I get the following
output: (stderr and stdout combined)
g++ obj/sql-mysql.o obj/sql.o obj/sql-manager.o -L/usr/pkg/lib/mysql -L/usr/local/mysql/lib -L/usr/lib -lmysqlclient -lg++ -lgcc_pic -lstdc++ -lm -lgcc -o
ld: -lg++: no match
collect2: ld returned 1 exit status
gmake: *** [] Error 1
I looked at the LD, g++ and gcc man pages and the it is stated that to
compile C++ the -lg++ flag should be specified. I looked thought the
system libs and there is no libg++.a lib on my system. I tried a few other
options and found that the libgcc_pic.a lib is also missing. What do these
files do? How can I get around using them?
to the netbsd people, has anyone had problems with the -lg++ flag under
PS: To Parand perhaps simply putting a note in the Install notes that the
makefile requires gmake should be sufficient.
Thanks all, hope I can get tcl-mysql compiled.
On Mon, 26 Jun 2000, Parand T. Darugar wrote:
> Date: Mon, 26 Jun 2000 17:40:13 -0700
> From: Parand T. Darugar <>
> To: Ben Bogart <>
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: tcl-mysql does not compile.
> Dear Ben,
> This is quickly becoming a FAQ, and I should post info about
> it somewhere...
> The 'make' that comes with *BSD is not too capable. You'll need
> to look for gnu's version of make, gmake. This might already be
> installed on your system, so try typing 'gmake' and see if anything
> happens.
> If not, you'll need to get Gnu make. Anyone with *BSD background
> want to help us out and let us know where this is available from?
> > I downloaded the extension from the dev.scriptics site and have run into a
> > problem. I've read the Install notes and trying compling with the
> > "freebsd" options (I am on NetBSD) but when I compile I get this message:
> >
> > make: don't know how to make obj/sql-mysql.o. Stop
> >
> > This is obviously caused by the fact that there are no filesin the obj
> > dir... How would this have happend? Has anyone been able to compile this
> > extension under NetBSD?
> Best,
> Parand Tony Darugar
> 858-622-1164 High Performance Perl Server Pages
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> Confidential
B. Bogart
Convergent Media Designer
Through scientific absolution we move further and further away from ourselves.