Subject: Re: eap0 & ATAPI/Compaq CRD-8400B
To: None <,>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/29/2000 03:33:11
(I assume that you mean music CD's, not CD-ROM's, Brian?)

Yes, I've been able to make that combination work.  I originally used, I
think, xmcd.  As I recall, it was a bit finicky about ejecting/changing
CD's, so I wrote my first Tcl/Tk program to give me a minimal (but, for
me, functional) replacement:

 /~~~ cda.tcl

#!/usr/pkg/bin/wish8.0 -f
button .on    -text "On"    -command {exec cda on}
button .off   -text "Off"   -command {exec cda off}
button .toc   -text  "TOC"  -command {exec <@stdin >@stdout cda toc}
button .play  -text "Play"  -command {exec cda play}
button .eject -text "Eject" -command {exec cda disc eject}
button .quit  -text "Quit"  -command {exit}
pack .on .off .toc .play .eject .quit -side left

 \___ cda.tcl

...TOC stands for Table Of Contents, of course.  (^&

(I don't remember where the cda binary came from; I believe that xmcd
depends upon it, though, so you can get it pulled down by installing

You can, of course, simply issue cda commands from a handy shell:

$ cda on
$ cda off
$ cda toc
$ cda play
$ cda disc eject

(As I recall, all problems that I had with cda could be cured by doing a
``cda off'' (causing the daemon to exit) followed by ``cda on'' (restart

But, I rarely do any of that.  My 'puter has just one CD-ROM drive, and I
have a dedicated music CD player (with a pair of KOSS headphones).  I
leave the CD-ROM drive for CD-ROM's and play music on the CD player.

I hope that that helps some.  Good luck.

  "I probably don't know what I'm talking about."