Subject: Re: ifconfig newuser
To: faisal <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/13/2000 17:03:40
On Sun Aug 13 2000 at 06:59:10 +0500, faisal wrote:
> i am new to netbsd can anyone tell me how to make a new user in netbsd
Either use vipw and create the necessary stuff by hand, use a pkgsrc
program called addnerd, or if you are running -current or 1.5 alpha you
can try a program called useradd.
> when i assingh ip address with the ifconfig command it does stays permenent
> i have to re give it after a reboot
You have to configure the interface after each reboot. Check out
auto_ifconfig and net_interfaces from /etc/rc.conf and
Antti Kantee <> Of course he runs NetBSD.