Subject: Re: vmware and -current (i386)
To: Sean Doran <>
From: Ted Lemon <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/18/2000 12:02:18
> I boot NetBSD and live in it; from time to time I might want to
> do something in Windows NT. So, to me it makes sense to run vmware
> on NetBSD.
I agree. However, sometimes you have to do what's possible, rather
than what you'd like. AFAIK the FreeBSD and Linux support is
proprietary, so you can't just port it. If one could, I would love
to, because I much prerfer to boot NetBSD. So if it's more important
to you that NetBSD be in control, you're pretty much stuck. If you
can live with NT on top, with an X server to make it look like it's
not, then this is a solution that can work for you right now,
aesthetically displeasing though it may be.