Subject: PPGA370+PC133: recommendations?
To: None <>
From: Todd Whitesel <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/24/2000 03:02:37
Can anyone recommend good PPGA370 motherboards that also do PC133 ?
I refuse to buy a slot 1 motherboard and use those stupid card converters,
but I have not been able to find an existing PPGA370 motherboard that does
everything I want. The only one that really comes close is the Iwill VD133Pro
but it does not support ECC and has one of those dumb AMR slots instead of
more PCI's.
So I'd like to know what people here have used and liked, and maybe one of
those will be good for the two servers I have to put together.
Todd Whitesel
toddpw @