Subject: Re: IDE UDMA hangs on BP6 (HPT366)
To: Kazushi Marukawa <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 08/27/2000 17:14:31
On Sat, Aug 26, 2000 at 01:47:09PM -0500, Kazushi Marukawa wrote:
> Under all configurations, what I did is copying about 20MB
> files from DJNA(IDE3) to Max40(IDE4) or Max60(IDE4) by using
> "tar cf - | (cd XX; tar xfp -)" three times or more. Under
> the 2nd configuration, I experienced hang while the NetBSD
> is fscking in parallel though.
> Maybe, Max40 or Max60 has a compatibility problem like
> Thomas suggested.
It's possible, but I don't really understand how this could affect things when
Max40 & Max60, and the DJNA are on different pciide controllers (on 2 channels
of the same controller we could find some rational, but with 2 different
controllers it looks highly unlikely). Maybe it some electromagnetical
interferences ? Did you try changing the placement of drives in the case;
cables, and power supply cabling ? inteferences could come from power
supply if 2 drives are connected to the same power cable.
> On the other hand, I'm using 300W power supply. I'm using
> one Celeron 333, 128MB SDRAM, AHA2940UW, two ether cards,
> and 3 hard drives (SCSI drive is external). I believe 300W
> covers all enoughly because I was using these plus display
> card, CDROM, and DVDROM when I was using this for Windows
> 98. If I experience the same trouble without Max40, I'll
> try to get 400W power supply.
I have a 300W PS for 5 drives (but 8G only, and maxtor and seagate, no IBM),
zip, CD, celeron 500. But power requirements can vary from one drive to
another (especially I notice that you use very large capacity drives).
It's possible that the DJNA has high power requirements, or generate noise
on the power supply lines.
> If anybody have a suggestion or want to know the result of
> some particular configurations, please let me know. I'll
> try. Manuel, if you want to know the result of 400W power
> supply, please let me know. I'll try it ASAP.
If it's easy to do the test for you, then yes I'd like to know :)
Manuel Bouyer <>