Subject: RE Can't use modems after upgrade
To: None <>
From: Todd Gruhns Account <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/07/2000 12:22:59
I rehacked the /etc/remote file. I have noticed that there is no
hardwire device defined. I stole the defn from Nemeth, Snyder, and
Sebass. Worked fine. I used it as a pattern to redefine all the other
callouts (UNIX-9600, UNIX-19200, etc), can't get it to work with
the phone database. I then discovered that cu won't work! The prob here
was an ownership prob. I made cu owned by uucp.wheel -- now cu and tip
both can use /dev/tty00.
Todd Gruhn
***The Democrats take us over the cliff at 80MPH; the Republicans
stay within the speed limit ***