Subject: Identity of abusive ananonymous listmember???
To: None <>
From: Bill Hudspeth <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/07/2000 18:20:40
For Network Administrators:
Besides building my experience in unix and NetBSD, I have professional
affiliations that now present problems for many of my co-menbers.
A newcomer to one of our listgroups has from the outset been abusive
and slanderous in his/her treatment of list members.
We in most case just expell this person from the NG. However, there
is good reason to believe that the person is actually a 'respected'
member of the community in disguise, trying to abuse people s/he
dislikes or disrespects. We want to take action that will identify this
person with some reasonable certainty.
Is there any way to do this??