Subject: Re: 1.4.2 install & keyboard
To: None <,>
From: John Franklin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/14/2000 11:08:30
On Thu, Sep 14, 2000 at 12:07:44AM +0000, Kent Polk wrote:
> I'm trying to install 1.4.2 on a 133MHz Pentium box to use as a
> firewall. I've gone through the installation process a number of
> times in a number of ways, and every time I reboot after the
> installation is complete, the keyboard goes dead and I can't log
> in. It occurs during the netbsd boot sequence (after the boot choice
> sequence and before the login prompt). Changing the keyboard out
> doesn't help either.
> I've built several boxes using the identical install set files with
> nothing like this.
> What the heck is taking out the keyboard during the boot sequence?
I've had problems with a similar machine (P100) when I turned on
pnpbios support for the keyboard. Does the dmesg output show it
finding the pckbc?
And I've yet to get a machine to find the floppy controller and drive
using pnpbios.
John Franklin
ICBM: 35°48'19"N 78°46'39"W