Subject: Re: BSD-Friendly Internet?
To: None <>
From: Thomas Michael Wanka <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/15/2000 11:17:05
Hi all,
probably someone can setup a page with international ISPs and *BSD
experiences. SuSEs Linux includes a bunch of ISP dialup scripts (at least for
german ISPs, but I think they have some international too), if you can find this
list on their homepage these scripts should be easily made run on NetBSD
and you should be able to connect to these ISPs.
Someone mentioned special subscribe software. Avoid it if you can, some
ISPs I know that offer such can be connected to with *BSD after signup is
I do not think one will find an ISP that has some kind of useful helpdesk, if it
comes to something apart of win/mac these people are lost. Most ISPs seem
not to spend money for customer support.