Subject: Inferno under Linux emulation
To: None <,>
From: Brian Gregor <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/21/2000 22:41:49
Inferno, originally from Bell Labs, has been released as a free
I have not tried it much, except to install it and check that
it runs under Linux emulation. I'm running 1.5_ALPHA2. To do this I did:
mkdir /emul/linux/usr/local/tmp
unzipped the inferno.tgz & Linux.tgz files into that directory.
mkdir /emul/linux/usr/local/inferno
I made an inferno user and an inf group as suggested. I then
ran the install script with /emul/linux/usr/local/inferno as the
root dir. I've tried some of the stuff in the README.html
file, and so far so good. Have fun!