Subject: Re: Minimal NetBSD
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 09/27/2000 08:31:43
Hello Manuel!
MB> First export big partition on the linux box. For this
> you need an /etc/export file. I'm not sure about the
> format of the file, this depends on the linux distrib.
> 'man nfsd', 'man mountd', 'man exports' should give
> the infos. There may be HOWTOs available for this too.
> Next mount the linux's disk over NFS to the NetBSD
> box: mount linux_box:/path_to_partition /mnt Now, when
> you cd to /mnt, you'll use the linux's disk instead of
> the local disk. You can extract syssrc.tgz and compile
> a kernel here.
Thanks, it's good to know this is possible. I doubt I'll be
attempting it though because it depends on some things that
I don't currently have set up (and in some cases may never
have! =o)
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