Subject: RE: Kingston AT/LANtic NIC
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/02/2000 21:31:05
--- Ben Collver ---
BC> I used an AT/LANtic based NIC (not Kingston) a few
> years ago in a Linux box, it worked fine. Donald
> Becker wrote a soft config program for Linux...
Thanks for the information, I wonder if the config program
would compile under BSD. I suppose I can always boot from a
DOS or Linux diskette when I'm first configuring the
--- Ernst du Toit ---
EdT> I bought a few way back that came in a GVC branded
> box, still have one running in my 486. I also have
> one with OCTEK silkscreened on the board.
> Works well with the we driver and I have had it
> running in ne emulation on occasion too.
Thanks for the observations. It sounds like quite a common
circuit. I'm guessing the "we driver" is closer to native
than the "ne emulation".
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