Subject: Re: Installing NetBSD on a low-memory 486
To: Gavan Fantom <>
From: Frank van der Linden <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/03/2000 18:18:27
On Tue, Oct 03, 2000 at 04:58:45PM +0100, Gavan Fantom wrote:
> > > Should it still be possible, or should I consider installing NetBSD 1.2?
> >
> > Should be possible. fvdl has successfully installed 1.5_ALPHA2 on a 4M machine.
> OK. Presumably 1.5_ALPHA2 is a tad bigger than 1.4.2?
Please note that these changes have not been made available in the 1.5
branch yet, as I am still waiting for a pullup approval.
So, if you grab an 1.5_ALPHA2 snapshot, it won't work. I can send
you a floppy image that works, if you want. I have tested a configuration
with 640k base and 3200k extended memory (which about corresponds to
a 4M machine with some shadow ram enabled). 640k and 3072k won't work,
I'd have to cut into sysinst further to enable that.
- Frank