Subject: Re: IBM TP760EL in Dock (was::RE: Problem with Tecra 8100 docking sta tion.)
To: Manuel Bouyer <>
From: Nathan J. Williams <nathanw@MIT.EDU>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/20/2000 15:19:30
It occurs to me that a way to deal with all of the multiple-pseudo-ISA
buses would simply be to ignore them: Replace the section of the i386
config file that contains:

isa*    at mainbus?
isa*    at pceb?
isa*    at pcib?

with just

isa*    at mainbus?

Clearly this depends on the pceb/pcib drivers being address-space
no-ops, but that's currently true and I don't think it's likely to

        - Nathan