Subject: Re: mtv problems
To: Philipp Huber <>
From: Antti Kantee <>
List: port-i386
Date: 10/29/2000 11:42:23
On Sun Oct 29 2000 at 03:07:40 -0000, Philipp Huber wrote:
> i'm running netbsd 1.5_beta on an k6-2 with 64mb. everything works
> fine, exept mtv from pkgsrc. i am able to start it, the main windows
> appears, but then happens nothing, the program simply doesn't react.
> the only thing i can do is a kill -9 .
> has anybody similar problems, or even better a solution :)
The trick is to use BSDi mtv, which normally doesn't work with sound.
However, you can send audio to stdout and pipe it to eg. mpg123:
babylon5:2:~> where mp
mp is aliased to mtvp -a2 !* | mpg123 -b 2048 -
Or for player mpegs from the middle:
babylon5:1:~> alias tp
tail -c !{#:1}000000 `[ -f header ] && echo header` !#:2-$ | mtvp -a2 -
| mpg123 -b 1024 -
Where header is a file containing a few kilos from the beginning of the
mpg if necessary.
The problem with this approach is that sometimes (not nearly always) the
sound and picture are somewhat in desync and that disturbes watching
movies. Just yesterday I began writing a mpg stream splitter which will
contain the appropriate delays and hopefully fix this problem. But as
with nearly all my projects, I wouldn't expect this to be ready too soon
Antti Kantee <> Of course he runs NetBSD.