Subject: Re: Kernel diet
To: Havard Eidnes <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/03/2001 11:37:47
> > The NetBSD kernel only uses the video card for a text console.
> > I'm not sure that our ``vga'' support is really VGA-specific; I
> > assumed that it worked with pretty much any old PC video hardware
> > to produce a text display.
> Well, quoting GENERIC:
> wsdisplay* at vga? console ?
> wsdisplay* at pcdisplay? console ?
> ...
> vga0 at isa?
> vga* at pci? dev ? function ?
> pcdisplay0 at isa? # CGA, MDA, EGA, HGA
> ...
> Which seems to indicate that the ``vga'' support is really VGA-
That's a fair deduction. (^&
> > You might still get rid of this support if you were going to run
> > the machine headless (serial console, or just login via a network
> > connection). But if you're going to hook up a keyboard and
> > monitor to the thing, I don't think that you want to get rid of
> > the VGA stuff.
> Unfortunately some old BIOSes have the annoying property that they
> refuse to boot without something looking like a keyboard attached;
> as witnessed by the infamous "No Keyboard, press F2 to continue"
> error message (or variants thereof). Your mileage may wary.
Yes, I suppose. (I also have a somewhat newer machine that won't boot
without a video card in it---and there's no BIOS option to override that
in that machine, that I could ever find.) Still, that doesn't mean that
you have to have a bulky monitor attached. And as far as the kernel is
concerned, you might get away with no _support_ for any of these.
Can you eliminate console support from NetBSD just via configuration? Or
would it balk at config- (or compile-)time?
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."