Subject: Re: control-alt-delete?
To: Peter Seebach <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/05/2001 14:01:57
In message <>, Peter Seebach writes
>In message <>, Manuel Bouyer writes:
>>> Yes. I expected the console-abort-hook that is very useful to have
>>Haaaa, you mean ctrl-alt-esc then !
>I'm not convinced that there's a substantial advantage to selecting a
>different hook than everyone else uses. ;)
Well, there is one advantage: when I'm running vmware, I need to use
that sequence to log in to guest Win2000 machines. (Btw -- on Win2000,
the three-fingered salute is the "trusted path" -- something that's
guaranteed to get you to the real OS, as opposed to, say, some program
that is emulating login on a tty line. Trusted path is a very useful
concept, though it requires careful thought and engineering to be
Of course, I have used it, successfully, from my BSD/OS laptop speaking
X to a linux/vmware system. Now I just have to figure out why that
didn't reboot...
--Steve Bellovin