Subject: Re: control-alt-delete?
To: None <>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/06/2001 11:39:53
In message <>, Manuel Bouyer writes:
>When this was done I'm not sure there was other OSes with an in-kernel
>debugger :)
Fair enough, and I must grant, ctl-alt-esc is *very* useful. I was able to
"fix" a hung system. (I never did find out what was hung, it just stopped
responding to console input. It also treated everything as capitalized, even
though caps lock wasn't on. Toggling capslock didn't help. I finally
"recovered" the keyboard by tapping all the modifier keys at once several
times, after which I had to ps, kill, and then run "next" a few times; just
"continue" left the console wedged. You may blame my cat.)