Subject: Re: UltraDMA performance.
To: Wolfgang Rupprecht <>
From: dkwok <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/07/2001 10:37:36
>Well, unfortunately that answer requires a bit of monkey-work. First
>the easy test -- the voltages. Get a digital volt meter and stick the
>probes into a spare power connector. Then power up the computer and
>run some seek intensive operations on each disk. Check that the 12v
>is rock steady and doesn't sag below 10.8v (the 10% cutoff most things
>are spec-ed to). Repeat on each of the other main supplies (3.3v 5v).
>The specs for the 5v and 3.3v only have a 5% cut-off.
OK I have to get my hands dirty. I like it like that.
I pick the one of the power connector for one of the hard disk. The power
connector inside the machine is one with 4 cables, 1 yellow, 2 black in the
middle and 1 red. From the connection to my fan I know the yellow is +ve and
the black next to it is -ve. I probe the multimater probe and recorded 20v.
It kinda of weired. Then I left the -ve where it is and probe the other
black. There was no reading. Then the red the reading was 10v.
How do I interpret the results.?
I certainly did not read anything for 3.5v and 5v. I am not sure about the
12v either.
David Kwok