Subject: Re: Disklabel Compatibility, i386/amiga
To: None <port-amiga@NetBSD.ORG, port-i386@NetBSD.ORG>
From: Kent Polk <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/09/2001 19:15:51
On 8 Jan 2001 04:25:01 -0600, Aymeric Vincent wrote:
> Hi,
> (Kent Polk) writes:
>> The mount_ados manpage appears to indicate that one should be able
>> to mount an existing ados (ffs) filesystem. I have the same problem
>> as the original poster and had tried unsuccessfully to mount ados
>> partitions on a scsi drive via i386 NetBSD.
>Making Amiga FFS partitions mountable under NetBSD/i386 should be
>easy, if it is not already the case (might be endianness problems).
Ok. I have a sparc-20/NetBSD that I can try it out on to see if
it's an endianness problem first. However, I can move data between
my Sparc and i386's via hard drive with no problem. I.e. there's
no endianness problem there. The only thing with the Sparc is that
the disklabel has to be *written* by a sparc in order for the sparc
OpenBoot rom to boot off of it (written either by Solaris or NetBSD
running on the sparc). (Does the NetBSD ffs handle endianness? )
>However, I think you experience another problem: the Amiga port does
>not use the standard BSD disklabel, but rather the AmigaOS's Rigid
>Disk Blocks scheme. Only NetBSD/amiga handles this.
>There was some discussion a while ago about making a library that
>handles all disklabel-like structures, but don't know where it ended
>From a practical standpoint, you may want to try to stick a BSD
>disklabel onto your disk, pointing to the Amiga FFS partitions. I never
>tried this, but it may work.