Subject: PCMCIA Ethernet board ?
To: None <>
From: Thierry Herbelot <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/14/2001 23:07:48
I've just installed NetBSD 1.5 from the CDROM on a VAIO Notebook.
I've formatted and partitioned the hard disk and there everything is
fine (I share a primary partition with M$-Win)
XFree also is configured and works fine.
I still have one problem : the PCMCIA NIC is still not recognized.
the board is detected at boot time, as seen in the dmesg (after booting
the GENERIC kernel)
pcic0: controller 0 detecting irqs with mask 0xdeb8:
pcic0: no available irq; polling for socket events
CNet, CN40BC Ethernet, D, NE2000 (manufacturer 0xffffffff,
product 0xffffffff) function 0 not configured
how do I set it as "function 0 configured" ?
this is how the NIC is detected under FreeBSD :
pccardd[99]: Card "CNet"("CN40BC Ethernet") [D] [NE2000]
matched "CNet" ("CN40BC Ethernet") [(null)] [(null)]
/boot/kernel/kernel: ed1 at port 0x240-0x25f irq 3 slot
1 on pccard1
/boot/kernel/kernel: ed1: address 00:80:ad:8e:82:60,
type NE2000 (16 bit)
pccardd[99]: ed1: CNet (CN40BC Ethernet) inserted.
Thierry Herbelot