Subject: Re: Is it ok to use AMD athlon processors?
To: Paul (NCC/CS) <>
From: Richard Rauch <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/16/2001 02:22:40
I have had no problems running NetBSD on my Athlon system. (Well, no
problems beyond user-errors that I could have made just as ably with an
Intel system. (^&)
If motherboard stability is truly a key issue, then it may be worth
mentioning that I have the K7T Pro (MS-6330) motherboard, an ATX VIA
motherboard. (Purchased last August; it was on a list of boards that
AMD's web-site recommended, as I recall.) If desired, I can trot out
dmesg output, and perhaps dig out some other information on it. I can
also say where I got it from (a mail-order house, but I'd have to dig out
info to say exactly who they are). But, IMHO, a better approach (if you
have detailed control over what's purchased) may be to go the AMD web site
and see what boards they recommend for range of system that you are
That aside, do Pentium systems have to pass the same guarantees of
acceptability? (Remember the infamous Pentium floating point bug when the
Pentium first came out...(^&) Or are Pentium systems the definition of
correct, regardless of how they actually behave?
On the specific topic of support from NetBSD, I'm not aware that
NetBSD/i386 targets Intel CPU's in favor of AMD CPU's. Though I _do_ seem
to recall a thread about problems with Cyrix CPU' I remembering
correctly, and if so how was that ever resolved? Anyone?
"I probably don't know what I'm talking about."