Subject: Re: NTFS and FAT32
To: dkwok <>
From: Laine Stump <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/16/2001 15:16:24
"dkwok" <> writes:
> Samba will be fine for your requirement.
Only if the OSes are running on separate machines. I believe what the
original poster was talking about was sharing the partition between
different OSes that will (at different times) run on the same
machine. In this case, Samba doesn't help.
Of course this brings up the idea of running VMware on the machine,
with Linux (or NT) as the host OS, and NetBSD and NT (or Linux) as
client OSes. In this case, Samba probably *would* help - you would
just format the disk as ffs (or ext2fs), then share it out to the
other VMs with Samba and NFS (it seems like this should work, although
I can't say as I've never run VMware).
> david kwok
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999 <>
> To: <>
> Date: Wednesday, January 17, 2001 5:39 PM
> Subject: NTFS and FAT32
> >I need to share a large (15GB) partition between linux, netbsd and NT4.
> >What filesystem should I use? I was under the impression that NetBSD had
> >support for NTFS4 but it happens to only be read-only? I do need a
> >read/write partition.
> >
> >I imagine this means I'm stuck with FAT32 (will it even work on a 15GB
> >partition?)
> >
> >Thanks everyone.
> >Ben
> >
> >
> >
> >B. Bogart
> >Convergent Media Designer
> >--------------------------
> >Through scientific absolution we move further and further away from
> ourselves.
> >
> >