Subject: Re: NTFS and FAT32
To: Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999 <>
From: Mike Cheponis <mac@Wireless.Com>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/16/2001 12:27:51
20G partition, FAT32 works great with NetBSD; I'm running 1.5; I run W2K,
W98se, NetBSD, and Linux all on same machine, sharing the same FAT32 partition.
(Now, of course, some would argue that needing to boot into each of these OSs
separately is a crock, and that wouldn't it be nice if -all- those OSs could
run as, say, tasks under a NetBSD-managed VM. But I'm not quite ready to
roll up my sleeves and do the work! ;-) [although see:
<> ]
On Tue, 16 Jan 2001, Ben Bogart - FMPM/F1999 wrote:
> I need to share a large (15GB) partition between linux, netbsd and NT4.
> What filesystem should I use? I was under the impression that NetBSD had
> support for NTFS4 but it happens to only be read-only? I do need a
> read/write partition.
> I imagine this means I'm stuck with FAT32 (will it even work on a 15GB
> partition?)