Subject: Re: JDK package broken
To: Arto Huusko <>
From: Todd Vierling <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/20/2001 09:45:41
On Sat, 20 Jan 2001, Arto Huusko wrote:
: > I installed 'pkgsrc/lang/sun-jdk13' into my 1.5Q (ELF) box and it
: > seems working.
: Well, its NetBSD 1.5, and ELF. But, uh-oh, I've totally missed those
: sun-j{dk,re} packages and went for the ancient jdk1.1.8. Oops.
Well, the sun-j{dk,re} run under Linux emulation; keep this in mind when
weighing the decision of which to use.
However, once thing to note: When you received the errors about,
were you running /usr/pkg/java/bin/java, or
/usr/pkg/java/bin/i386/green_threads/java? The one in /usr/pkg/java/bin is
the proper way to start up the JDK -- it is a script that sets things like
LD_LIBRARY_PATH (which is needed for finding the *.so files).
-- Todd Vierling <> * Wasabi NetBSD: Run with it.
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