Subject: Re: Netatalk and HFS partitions
To: Robert D. Billings <>
From: Brian Buhrow <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/29/2001 07:58:31
I think you might have dhcp trying to get leases for your
ppp interfaces, which you're not using, and that's what it's complaining
about, not the ethernet interface, which is working fine. Change the
/etc/defaults/rc.conf or the /etc/rc.conf so that you don't try dhcp for
all interfaces, just the one you want brought up with dhcp. Change the
dhclient_args to be the name of the interface you want to bring up.
On Jan 28, 10:40am, "Robert D. Billings" wrote:
} Subject: Re: Netatalk and HFS partitions
} At 9:39 AM +0100 1/28/01, wrote:
} > > downloaded and compiled the HFSutils found in the packages
} >> collection. But I can't find a way to allow access to these
} >> partitions to the Macs without being able to actually mount these
} >> using a mount point.
} >>
} >> I've found the HFS for Linux source but can't compile it.
} >
} >why you need hfs partition instead of ffs?
} >
} >you exports files not partitions.
} I now realize the problems I thought were associated with the
} partition not being HFS is more of a configuration problem in
} netatalk. I'm slowly working that out now.
} The next problem to tackle is why DHCP keeps reporting that the
} network is down and continually tries to get a lease from the DHCP
} server while the server shows a lease to the NetBSD box and I have
} network access to the box.
} Any suggestions?
} Rob
} PS Thanks for all of the help with the netatalk stuff.
>-- End of excerpt from "Robert D. Billings"