Subject: NetBSD 1.5 Kernel Config
To: None <>
From: Andrew Steven Ball <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/29/2001 12:15:10
Hello Dave!
DB> You can probably afford DUMMY_NOOPS.
Thanks, I'll try that.
DB> I didn't see a floppy drive?
Originally I wasn't going to fit one, but I found a 3.5"
DSHD 1.4Mb one laying around and screwed it into george
(It's something to boot from ;o)
DB> If you've never had the old NetBSD code on the disks,
> the MBRPART stuff can go.
Thanks, I'll prune that.
DB> I think wscons is the way to go whether pccons is
> available or not.
Okay, I guess I'll leave it in.
DB> The '*' on the wd* line is just so that the system
> will default the drives correctly. You shouldn't need
> to get specific there.
Great, thanks.
DB> One serial, one parallel, no network. Are you planning
> on connecting this to anything? I'm guessing there's
> an external modem on COM0, or a modem card with all of
> the serial ports turned off.
Eventually there should be a modem on COM0 (possibly COM1,
thinking about it I have some ISA internal modems laying
around here). Once the machine is up, my order of
experimentation should be something like the following...
1. Set up the serial port for logins from a local serial
terminal (I need to practice this).
2. Set up the serial port (or ISA internal modem) for dial
-up access from a remote serial terminal or computer.
3. Possibly tinker with SLIP, PPP or PLIP.
4. Use it to net boot a SPARCstation or SUN 3/80.
Eventually I may be able to add an ISA 10 Base-T NIC, but I
only have a PCI one laying around at present.
DB> I haven't really been paying a lot of attention, but
> it looks like you are trying to get the system down to
> the point where it will run in 2Meg of memory.
That wasn't my specific aim, although MJ White who wrote
the Kernel Config version that I've modified only slightly
has it running on a 4Mb machine. I'd like to upgrade george
to 16Mb, but I don't even know if the thing will take 4Mb
SIMMs - that's something I need to check when I find some.
DB> Good luck.
- Andy.