Subject: Re: Two machines in one...
To: Kevin P. Neal <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 01/30/2001 09:15:56
> I had a 286 bridgeboard fall into my lap. I was wondering if it would
> be possible/difficult to turn it into a bridge so I could use ISA
> cards in my Amiga. Then I could have 100base-T on my A2000.
couldn't you use PCMCIA card?
> *Mmmmmmm, humor*
> Oh, and my A1500 question to you was not CC'd to the list on purpose. Um,
> well, anyway. This msg CC'd to both the PC list and the Amiga list
> that this thread may be better off in.
> [1] So, of course when I made a backup of my boot disk onto another
> disk I used one of the 2.04-and-up filesystems by accident. I found
> this out when I booted with the A2000 1.3 ROM and couldn't read even
> boot the machine. Oh, and my floppy connector on the motherboard
> broke so I guess I'll have to fix it. Oh, and no network card. Oh, and
> the serial port is busted. Oh, um, darn.
> --
> Kevin P. Neal
> "Nonbelievers found it difficult to defend their position in \
> the presense of a working computer." -- a DEC Jensen paper