Subject: Re: delayed transactions
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 02/01/2001 19:30:09
> Hi,
> AFAIK at least every chipset ond probably every motherboard
> manufacturer has his own definition of such options.
> The Asus P5A-B and K7M (P2B does not seem to have that option)
> manual says:
i have asus with intel 440BX+extra HPT366 controller
> "If Enabled, it frees the PCI Bus during CPU accessing of 8-bit ISA
> cards which normally consume about 50-60 PCI Clocks without PCI
> delayed transaction. If PCI Bus Masters cannot use the PCI Bus,
> leave this on the default setting of Disabled for ISA cards that are
> not PCI 2.1 compliant."
now understand. my old zoltrix internal modem is surely not compatible -
and the problem was only when i downloaded something
> If I understand that correctly, if your ISA and PCI cards go well
> together, you can get performance enhancements if you enable this.
> If the ISA and PCI cards do not get along and you enable this
> option, while an ISA card is accessing the CPU, PCI cards could be
> blocked and errors can occur.
> mike