Subject: Re: Problems with NetBSD 1.5 filesystem not seen in 1.4.3
To: Gerald C. Simmons <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/18/2001 22:33:27
On Tue, Apr 10, 2001 at 10:01:28PM -0700, Gerald C. Simmons wrote:
> Today, I finally got the time to upgrade my 1.2.1 netbsd box to a more current version.
> I tried just "upgrading" from 1.2.1 to 1.5, but sysinst puked on me in the middle of processing my
> /etc with "Sysinst Terminated." No clue.
> So I decided to plunge ahead with a fresh installation on a 4GB drive, keeping my 1.2.1 Install
> (2.5GB,) which also held all the 1.5 tarballs. The installation went smooth right up until I
> tried copying an entire file system from my 2.5GB drive to the 4GB drive. Here's what happened:
> I mounted my old /home filesystem to /mnt under 1.5. I had a fully newfs's /home directory
> waiting or my 4GB drive. I use an alias called "tardy" defined as:
> '(cd !:1; tar clf - .) | (cd !:2; tar xpf -)'
> to move files/directories from one filesystem to another, preserving all date information.
> Basically, what I executed was 'tardy /mnt /home'. This proceded to copy one filesystems contents
> to the other then BOOOOMMM!! stopped in the kernel debugger after copying about 128MB (out of
> 400MB.) I re-booted, repaired the file systems and tried again. BOOOMMM!!!
> After this, I cleaned the 4GB drive, installed a copy of NetBSD 1.4.3, and repeated the whole
> process without incident.
> I'm currently fully up and running under NetBSD 1.4.3.
> There seems to be a NASTY bug in the filesystem or something in NetBSD-1.5.
> Has this been fixed???
What was the panic message ?
I'm not aware of such a bug in 1.5
Manuel Bouyer <>