Subject: Re: kde-1.1.2 Meta-package on NetBSD 1.5
To: '' <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/19/2001 11:38:39
On 19.04.01, 18:08:54, Jenkins, Graham K [IBM GSA] wrote:
> Doesn't work - says:
> : Undefined symbol "__pure_virtual" .. and
> : ditto .. and
> Shared object "" not found
Did you install everything else that is needed by kde with pkgsrc?
In that case, this should not happen. If you just recently upgraded
from 1.4.x, you might nmeed to rebuild almost all of your libraries,
because the binary format has changed significantly between 1.4 (and
earlier) and 1.5.
The easiest way to do this using pkgsrc might be to cd into a pkgsrc
directory of a package, on which very many other packages depend (e.
g. qt1 or glib), and "make update". It removes and then re-builds all
packages depending on the one being "updated". This may take some time
and will temporarily remove many packages.
You can, however, interrupt the update process (even reboot the
system) and re-start it later and it will continue where it left.
("resuming update".)
> Que??
Bernd Sieker
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