Subject: Re: StarOffice working for NetBSD 1.5?
To: Steven M. Bellovin <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/24/2001 07:25:09
Steven M. Bellovin enscribed:
> b154$ ls -l /emul/linux/proc
> lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 5 Apr 24 07:22 /emul/linux/proc -> /proc
Thanks, did that. That didn't make any difference yet either. Here's what else II've tried.
- Uncompressed and untarred the StarOffice 5.1 binaries. Ran setup, got this output:
/tmp/sv001.tmp/setup.bin: error in loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory.
Looked around the web (and my linux box) for that library. No luck.
- Downloaded the RPM of StarOffice-5.1a_01_517i8-1.i386.rpm from a Linux Mandrake 7.0 CD. Ran the following (rpm --initdb ; rpm --prefix=/emul/linux --install --ignorearch --ignoreos --nodpes StarOffice-5.1a01_517i8-1.i386.rpm). I have this error message:
package is not relocatable
error: StarOffice -5.1a_01_517i8-1.i386.rpm cannot be installed
- Ran the StarOffice 5.2 binaries downloaded from Star Office's home page. It made the hard drive cluck around a bit then it didn't do anything.
Any other suggestions? I really appreciate everyone's help, and I really do need to get this working (not my choice).
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