Subject: Re: StarOffice working for NetBSD 1.5?
To: None <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/24/2001 08:58:33
Frederick Bruckman enscribed:
> I give up. The StarOffice-5.2 that I have has a "setup.bin" with is an
> executable, and a "setup" shell script that sets LD_LIBRARY_PATH and
> invokes "setup.bin"
Where did you get your StarOffice 5.2? I downloaded so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin from Sun, then just did this:
# ./so-5_2-ga-bin-linux-en.bin
glibc version: 2.1.2
What does running this do or did I do something wrong? It didn't seem to install anything. :(
I just enjoy seeing (\`--/') _ _______ .-r-.
the decay of society, >.~.\ `` ` `,`,`. ,'_'~`.
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-anonymous `--'_..),-/ ' ' '_.>-' )`.`.__.')
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