Subject: NetBSD 1.5 fdisk and FAT32
To: None <>
From: Juha Ulkoniemi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 04/25/2001 13:18:21
>> On Sat, Feb 17, 2001 at 09:17:42PM -0500, Andrew Steven Ball wrote:
>> Hello!
>> Should...
>> mount -t msdos /dev/foo /mnt/bar
>> for a FAT32 file system in an extended partition?
> Yes, if you've got the correct offsets in the disklabel for the FAT32
> partition.
> mbrlabel in NetBSD-current should help you.
> mbrlabel in NetBSD 1.5 will cause you grief, so don't use it.
> fdisk in NetBSD-current might help, but there's a known bug in
> perusing more than one level of extended partitions (which I should
> fix in the next day or so)
> fdisk in NetBSD 1.5 won't help you much in determining the actual
> offsets of the logical partitions inside an extended partion.
I got one question:
If fdisk in NetBSD 1.5 can't detect the 'logical' FAT32 partitions,
How can I find the correct offsets?