Subject: Re: Supported Network adapter?
To: Jason R Thorpe <>
From: Greywolf <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/17/2001 10:31:53
# Uhh... WHAT?! No, the INSTALL kernel definitely supports the "fxp"
# (i82557, etc.) network cards. They're far too common to no support
# them in the base installation kernels.
When I went to install 1.5, the INSTALL kernel could not find the NIC.
It told me that there were no available network cards by which to install
NetBSD. I remember this distinctly, because I had to copy over a kernel via
floppy and boot from that kernel.
# I would guess that Jimmy has an *original* PRO/100 -- Jimmy -- can you
# pull the board, look for the big'ish chip (which would be the Ethernet
# MAC) and reply to this mail with the numbers on the top of the chip?
Aha. I didn't realise that one.
*BSD: priapic OS