Subject: Re: mkhybrid and/or vnconfig problem
To: Ray Phillips <>
From: Joseph Sarkes <>
List: port-i386
Date: 05/25/2001 13:13:14
> Dear Port i386:
> Could offer me any suggestions about a problem I'm experiencing with
> myhybrid running on a NetBSD/i386 1.5 machine, please?
> The problem is that one of my files doesn't seem to be written properly to
> the iso file created by mkybrid.
> The file that's causing trouble is named store.log.gz. Before putting it
> into the iso file I executed these commands on it
> % ls-l store.log.gz
> -rw-r--r-- 1 ray wheel 343068607 May 23 19:14 store.log.gz
> % gzip -vl store.log.gz
> method crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name
> defla 2b556560 May 23 19:14 343068607 2110984088 83.7% store.log
> % gzip -vt store.log.gz
> store.log.gz: OK
> I've found that executing
> gzip -vl store.log.gz
> on the file in the virtual drive gives a different answer each time, for
> example:
> % gzip -vl /mnt/store.log.gz
> method crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name
> defla 2b556560 May 23 19:14 343068607 2110984088 83.7% store.log
> % gzip -vl /mnt/store.log.gz
> method crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name
> defla 5accb628 May 23 19:14 343068607 1461744675 76.5% /mnt/store.log
> % gzip -vl /mnt/store.log.gz
> method crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name
> defla e181ab41 May 23 19:14 343068607 -1412029498 - 0.1% /mnt/store.log
> % gzip -vl /mnt/store.log.gz
> method crc date time compressed uncompr. ratio uncompressed_name
> defla 22cd1895 May 23 19:14 343068607 1207296212 71.5% /mnt/store.log
> and using gzip to test the file on the virtual drive produces an error:
You don't happen to be running an athlon on an asus A7V motherboard, are you?
I finally seem to have stable operation with both -current and a bios update
I got from a funny url that I can dig up if this is your problem.
The symptoms of varying results with gzip/gunzip were a feature of the ide
disk drive corruption I was seeing.
Joseph Sarkes