Subject: Re: Staroffice
To: None <>
From: Bernd Sieker <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/08/2001 13:10:37
On 08.06.01, 10:20:42, Markus Illenseer wrote:
> > There has been a fair bit of discussions previously on installing
> > star office. Could someone who has been successfully installed
> > Star Office on netbsd published a how-to doc. I think a lot of the
> > newbies out there would like replicate your success. And more
> > importantly learn a lot more about linux compat/emul on netbsd.
> How about starting over with NetBSD package system? There is a complete
> Star office package available, which automatically installs the Linux
> emulation on which it depends.
> cd /usr/pkgsrc/misc/staroffice
> make install
> (Requires to install the pkgsrc-Tarball or cvs)
Yes, but unfortunately this is only version 5.1a of StarOffice, which
has been superseded by version 5.2 for quite some time (about a year,
I think), which can no longer be installed directly on NetBSD.
5.2 has some added functionality and also runs a lot more stable than
5.1. It has to be said, that it also uses a lot more memory, I
consider 64 MB of RAM a minimum for comfortable use.
The only way I found it worked was to install it on a native Linux
system, tar up the installed directory (e. g. /opt/offic52) and unpack
it on NetBSD.
Of course, be sure to have a complete set of linux emulation
libraries installed (I think any of the suse-compat packages works
> Markus Illenseer
Bernd Sieker
NetBSD: Perpetual performance!
-- Lars-Johan Liman