Subject: Re: your mail
To: Todd Gruhn <>
From: Yong S. Yi <>
List: port-i386
Date: 06/23/2001 19:18:45
Thus spake Todd Gruhn (
> I finally got Mozilla to compile -- thanks to package tools! Can someone
> give me info on how to configure it? Can I reuse some of my old Netscape
> Communicator files?
"How to configure Mozilla" isn't really a NetBSD issue; stuff like that
should go to their respective mailing lists / newsgroups (see
for more info).
But to answer your question: yes, it should copy and/or do conversions of
most preferences settings, bookmarks, etc. As for how to configure it, etc.,
it should be very intuitive.
Yong S. Yi KeyID 1024/83820915
PGP Key Fingerprint = 33 7A AD 02 26 59 A2 6A 58 3B 7F 40 22 96 CF 09
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