Subject: Re: USB External modems
To: None <>
From: Bruce Lane <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/05/2001 22:24:58
At 01:02 06-07-2001 -0400, you wrote:
> Woj> ...USB winmodems are already available (everybody
> > were waiting for them ;))
>What a repulsive idea. Apparently stupid too, since any USB
>device presumably needs /some/ sort of controller in order
>to 'talk' USB. :-(
More than repulsive... Winmodems were bad enough, trying to do in software
what should always be done in hardware, but USB Winmodems?!
Pardon me while I go gag myself with a spoon. That's actually preferable
to taking any Win(lose) modem seriously.
Bruce Lane, Owner and head honcho, Blue Feather Technologies // E-mail:
Amateur Radio: KC7GR, active since 12-77 (Extra class as of June-2K)
"I'll get a life when someone demonstrates to me that it would be
superior to what I have now..." (Gym Z. Quirk, aka Taki Kogoma).