Subject: Re: NetBSD Web Site
To: None <>
From: Mirian Crzig Lennox <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/06/2001 21:30:42
On Fri, 6 Jul 2001 17:29:26 -0400, Andy Ball <> wrote:
>Hello Gan,
> GS> Most of the NetBSD website is, err, fairly bland to
> > the untrained eye. Which is okay for most purposes,
> > but not, I don't think, NetBSD advocacy.
>I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Personally I
>think the NetBSD site looks smart and professional. It
>enables me to quickly locate the information I need, and
>pages download quickly even when I'm using a modem. I would
>hate to see it 'tarted up' at the cost of usability.
I have to agree -- to me the NetBSD site is content-rich and easy on the
eyes, and works just as well whether you're using a graphical browser or
a text browser.
It's similar to the look of the O'Reilly "Nutshell" books; visually they
are the blandest looking books in the bookstores, but they've built such
a reputation for quality that they don't need to visually assault you
with garish colors and huge type. I like to think that NetBSD as having
that kind of reputation, at least among people possessed of clue.