Subject: Re: NetBSD and four WinNT's
To: None <>
From: Alan Barrett <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/13/2001 18:08:51
On Fri, 13 Jul 2001 wrote:
> But I find that since all four NT's are workstations, and
> not one a server. So I can only FTP from NetBSD into NT,
> and only telnet from NT into NetBSD. That's kind of a
> drag...
For file sharing, consider samba and rhumba (or sharity-light), as
Todd said.
You could also install VNC servers on all the NT boxes and use
vncviewer (under X on NetBSD) to connect to them. The entire screen
of the VNC server box appears in a window on the VNC client.
Add ssh with X forwarding into the mix, and you will be able to start
with an X session at home, ssh to the NetBSD box at work, start
vncviewer there, and have a window open on your home X server that
contains a copy of the screen contents of one of the NT boxes.
--apb (Alan Barrett)