Subject: Re: DSL or Cable Modem for NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Bri <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/17/2001 09:30:58
With DSL I've found it's easier to get a straight forward routable IP
connection with statics. Cable modems are usually NAT and DHCP / PPPoE
setups which is annoying to deal with.
They are also very luck of the draw as far as what speeds you will get,
and your uploads are usually horrible. With DSL you know what your getting
into (assuming you don't choose a very poor provider of course) and it's
going to be minimal hassle in my experience to setup.
At home, I have DSL. I thought about getting a cable modem also for fun,
but never got around to it.
simian at replic d0t net