Subject: Re: fresh diskless install
To: =?iso-8859-1?Q?H=E5kan_Th=F6rngren_=3CH=E5kan_Th=F6rngren?= <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/17/2001 20:48:25
On Mon, Jul 16, 2001 at 10:42:46PM +0200, Håkan Thörngren <Håkan Thörngren wrote:
> I use NetBSD on Sparcs today. I do not own any i386 hardware, but I am
> considering getting a diskless i386 machine. That is, a machine with
> no HD, CDROM or floppy. (I might be pursuaded to get a floppy for it,
> but barely).
> I have a NetBSD server (Sparc), have done NetBSD diskless in the past
> on Sun3s. I have also done some Linux diskless stuff on i386 a couple
> of years ago. I am reasonably familiar with the procedures.
> Now the two problems as I see it:
> 1. How do I get a Netboot or Etherboot image onto a suitable network
> card? I have not yet bought a card, so I am free to choose...
> For a motherboard I am leaning towards an ABIT VA6.
sys/arch/i386/stand/netboot/ has support for a few network adapters
> 2. How do I make a diskless kernel? Will GENERIC do for a start, and
> then a rebuild with more suitable parameters when the system is up?
GENERIC should just work for a diskless machine.
> I do have very LIMITED access to PC hardware, virtually none actually.
> Can it be done, and how?
You need to compile the netboot boot loader. Maybe this can be done from
the linux box without too much trouble.
Manuel Bouyer <>