Subject: Re: DSL or Cable Modem for NetBSD?
To: Henry Nelson <>
From: None <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/17/2001 19:21:58
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 11:10:05AM +0900, Henry Nelson wrote:
> > With DSL I've found it's easier to get a straight forward routable IP
> > connection with statics. Cable modems are usually NAT and DHCP / PPPoE
> > setups which is annoying to deal with.
> No DSL available here, and the one cable modem outfit in our area (which
> I broke down and contracted with on Monday) uses DHCP, and as far as I
> can tell, NAT. Is there anyone out there who knows how to get INTO your
> NetBSD box FROM the Internet when it's connected to a cable modem and
> the ISP is using NAT and DHCP? (Or am I up a creek without a paddle --
> after spending 65,000 yen [yes, ca. US$520!].)
You could do something convoluted, ie:
(A) = home box
(B) = box on internet
1. start sshd listening on (B)
2. send email from (B) to an account
3. (A) polls the account using fetchmail
4. procmail parses email and initializes ssh from (A) to (B)
5. ssh is set up to forward port 22 of (A) to appear as port 2222 on (B)
6. ssh from (B) to port 2222 on (B)
7. you are forwarded and have a login on (A)
It is too bad your ISP doesn't give you your own IP.