Subject: Re: DSL or Cable Modem for NetBSD?
To: None <>
From: Henry Nelson <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/18/2001 11:10:05
> With DSL I've found it's easier to get a straight forward routable IP
> connection with statics. Cable modems are usually NAT and DHCP / PPPoE
> setups which is annoying to deal with.
No DSL available here, and the one cable modem outfit in our area (which
I broke down and contracted with on Monday) uses DHCP, and as far as I
can tell, NAT. Is there anyone out there who knows how to get INTO your
NetBSD box FROM the Internet when it's connected to a cable modem and
the ISP is using NAT and DHCP? (Or am I up a creek without a paddle --
after spending 65,000 yen [yes, ca. US$520!].)
henry nelson