Subject: Re: Is this card supported?
To: Sridhar Ayengar <>
From: Manuel Bouyer <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/19/2001 21:09:34
On Wed, Jul 18, 2001 at 07:44:44PM -0400, Sridhar Ayengar wrote:
> I'm building a software router with NetBSD on a Pentium-200 machine w/32
> MB RAM. I have a high-speed serial card I would like to use, but I don't
> know if it would be supported under NetBSD. The card to which I refer is
> the Byterunner PCI-100H ( ). I am using Linux
> on the machine currently and it uses a program called vscardcfg to
> enumerate the serial port as ttyS0. I can provide the source of vscardcfg
> on request. Thanks.
Hum, I suspect it uses the vscom chip. It should work in 1.5.1, or should be
easy to make work (just a matter of adding PCI device ID in a table).
Can you post the content of the file for this device in /proc/pci under
linux (I think it's /proc/pci, I don't have a linux system to check rigth now) ?
Manuel Bouyer <>