Subject: Re: How to get hardware supported?
To: Bill O'Neill <>
From: Al Urbaitis <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/23/2001 08:39:16
Bill O'Neill wrote:
> Would like to know the process of how to get hardware supported in
> current or future releases?
Since NetBSD is an open source project, theoretically anyone can choose
to support a given piece
of hardware. How you get this done is another matter. If you are a
interested in device drivers then
simply ask one of the core group how to get started and whack away
until you are done.
If organizational skills are your forte then simply start with gathering
the necessary materials and scouting
for an available driver smith. Once you have done the legwork it's
likely that the hardware you wish to have
supported is similar to hardware that is supported. Once again your done.
Perhaps your powers of persuasion are legitimately your strength. Obtain
examples of the hardware
you wish to support and offer the hardware to one of the "smiths" ...
All are pretty good schemes...