Subject: Re: Still struggling with networking
To: Andy Ball <>
From: Steven M. Bellovin <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/30/2001 15:43:37
In message <>, Andy Ball writes:
>It seems that my DHCP confusion is not yet completely
>resolved. Running dhclient produces a few error messages
>about IPV6 not being enabled, and then I get error messages
>displayed on the console every few seconds...
> dhclient: send_packet: network is down
>...I tried running dhclient -p ne0 which may have reduced
>the frequency of these errors a little, but I would like to
>be able to weed them out altogether.
>Apart from these error messages dhclient seems to be
>working. It succeeds in getting an IP address and
>apparently DNS addresses too (I can access remote hosts by
>name rather than IP number).
>Anyone have any idea what I'm doing wrong?
Do you have other interfaces defined? I think I've seen dhclient mutter
about such things in the past, before I removed them from my kernel.
--Steve Bellovin,