Subject: Re: Still struggling with networking
To: Andy Ball <>
From: Jeff Rizzo <>
List: port-i386
Date: 07/30/2001 14:06:57
On Mon, Jul 30, 2001 at 04:53:18PM -0400, Andy Ball wrote:
> AB> I meant 'dhclient -p ne0' (as in 'port'), but -q seems
> > to work too.
> AG> Hmm, I was confused by you not listing the port.
> But I did! (see above ;-)
> So, do you think I can solve my DHCP problems by rolling a
> custom kernel?
That should solve it, but your other choice is to explicitly specify which
interfaces DHCP should run on. Such as:
dhclient ne0 specify that it should only use the 'ne0' interface. I think the
issue is that the extra interfaces (gif0, etc) in the GENERIC kernel
are the source of the error messages. They don't hurt, but they are pretty
annoying if you're working on the console.
The '-p' flag is for specifying a different port for dhclient to listen
on, I believe, and has nothing to do with which interfaces it listens to.
If you compile a custom kernel and leave the extra interfaces out,
dhclient won't see them. Or, you can specify which interfaces dhclient
should use, as above.
Hope this helps,
Jeff Rizzo